Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2019, 8.0) Ready To Launch In July – And The User Manual Leaks

So, after all the leaks of the Samsung SM-T290/295/297 tablet in the first half of the year, this tablet is now ready to launch in July, which starts next week already, so the tablet could be available as soon as next Monday.

And while Samsung have yet to announce this tablet, Samsung itself now officially calls it the Samsung Galaxy Tab A (8.0, 2019) / Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2019, 8.0) depending on the country for the Wi-Fi model SM-T290, and Galaxy Tab A (2019, 8.0, LTE) for the 4G LTE models SM-T295/297.

And if you want to, you can even download (PDF) the user manual from Samsung for the Samsung Galaxy Tab A (8.0, 2019) before it's announced if you want to familiarize yourself with it. So that's how close we are to the launch of it.

Samsung SM-T290 295 297 Galaxy Tab A 8.0 2019
From the manual of the Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8.0 2019

For all other available info on Samsung's newest 8-inch Android 9.0 tablet this summer, check out the relevant links below where everything is covered.

Samsung SM-T290/295/297 Now Specified As An 8-Inch Tablet
Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2019) (SM-T290/295/297) Now Fully Approved
Samsung SM-T295 Wi-Fi Approved Too
New Samsung Galaxy Tab (2019 Model) Leaks
Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2019 Model) (SM-T295) Now FCC Approved Too

Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8.0 2019 - Samsung SM-T290 SM-T295
Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8.0 2019
Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2019, 8.0)
Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2019, 8.0)

– Tom Bowen