Windows 10 OS Frees Up Space On Tablets

Windows blog had welcome announcement yesterday when it was said that Windows 10 will take up less space on tablets and phones running Windows 10, than what we've been accustomed to.

In numbers, 64-bit Windows will get 2.6GB + 4GB more of free space, while the 32-bit Windows will see 1.5GB more storage space available. That must be especially good news for some of those 16GB Windows tablets out there, with more space for apps and files.

Microsoft says this is achieved through a new system files compression, and also that recovery enhancements have removed the need for a separate recovery image. Speaking of which, with the new recovery enhancements, refresh and reset functions will no longer need a separate recovery image to reset Windows back to its original state.

Tiny changes like these can really make a difference, so this is definitely going to help the momentum of Windows tablets and Windows phones keep going strong.

Windows OS space storage in GB on tablets

– Jim Miller