Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 $80 – $50 Off On Sale

The recently launched Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 is on sale in two ways these days.

Between September 24 and September 27, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 NOOK gets a 20% discount, or $80 off the regular price of $399 of the 8-inch model. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 NOOK is the same Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 as the stock version from Samsung, it just has a different B&N NOOK home screen and NOOK apps, that you can change if you want. But other than that it's the same model. It was even released on the same day as the regular version.

Trade In Tablet Check Worth

But there's another option too if you plan on getting the new Super AMOLED Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 on sale or otherwise get a discount on this tablet, and that's to trade in an old tablet you want to exchange. If you do that, not only will you get money for your old tablet, usually deposited as a gift card for you, but Amazon will even grant you a $50 discount off the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, both the 9.7-inch model that normally costs $499 and the 8-inch model that normally costs $399.

Some tablets have phenomenal trade-in value, especially the smaller Samsung tablets, and you can check the worth of your tablet based on the brand, condition, and features on Amazon before you decided to send it in for trade.

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0

NOOK Sale 2015
– Jim Miller