Windows 10 Upgrade Dates For Toshiba Tablets And 2-In-1’s
With Windows 10 starting to roll out to devices all over the world on Wednesday, July 29th, the issue of the particular date for your own devices is an obvious concern. Tablets that run Windows 8.1 at the moment will be able to opt for an upgrade to Windows 10 on Wednesday, but there are some Windows 8.1 machines that won't get a fully supported Windows 10 upgrade for their device before 2016.
Toshiba have published a list of their Windows tablets together with the respective Windows 10 upgrade date for each tablet and 2-in-1. And of all their Windows tablet, only their 8-inch 2013 model Toshiba Encore (WT8) will have to wait until January 31, 2016 to receive the full Windows 10 upgrade with support for the entire device.
The Toshiba Satellite Click 2 and Toshiba Satellite Click 2 Pro will also have to wait, but at least not any further than to October 31, 2015.
The rest of the six tablets of the Encore and Satellite Click family, from the 7-inch Toshiba Encore Mini to the larger 10.1-inch Toshiba Encore 2 Write will all get the a full Windows 10 upgrade for their individual tablet on July 29.
– Jim Miller
Jim's passion for Apple products ignited in 2007 when Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone. This was a canon event in his life. Noticing a lack of iPad-focused content that is easy to understand even for “tech-noob”, he decided to create Tabletmonkeys in 2011.
Jim continues to share his expertise and passion for tablets, helping his audience as much as he can with his motto “One Swipe at a Time!”