Porsche Design 911 Soundbar 2.0 Pro – The Ultimate Tablet Speaker Accessory Of The Year

Porsche Design 911 Soundbar 2.0 Pro – The Ultimate Tablet Speaker Accessory Of The Year

Tablet speakers have come some way in terms of their performance over the years. Both the clarity, ambiance, and the bass of the speakers have improved in tablets, and every couple of years we are seeing new and improved ways in which the audio is delivered or produced, either through an increase in speakers, an…

$49 8-Inch Windows 10 Tablet Back On Sale And Other End Of September Computer Deals

$49 8-Inch Windows 10 Tablet Back On Sale And Other End Of September Computer Deals

Microsoft Store is competing with other computer stores and perhaps also clearing out some inventory before they stock up on the new fall releases in October and November, and that means a couple of end of September computer and tablet deals: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/collections/pcdeals/ The most eye-catching sale is the 8-inch Windows 10 tablet NuVision TM800W601L which…

Porsche Design 2-In-1 Ultrabook Announced

Porsche Design 2-In-1 Ultrabook Announced

A Porsche Design 2-in-1 ultrabook was announced today and is expected to be launched in early 2017. (UPDATED: Porsche Design Book One now unveiled.) The Porsche Design 2-in-1 ultrabook was announced by Microsoft today, since it will run Windows 10 and it will be launched after the Windows Anniversary Update later this summer. Actually, Microsoft…