Belkin LEGO Case For iPad mini Out November 25

Belkin LEGO Case For iPad mini Out November 25

Here’s something you won’t find on Apple Store, a LEGO case for iPad mini. It seems Apple is too conservative or protective to have anything like this challenge its well maintained image within its own ecosystem, but fortunately this case is available elsewhere. Called the Belkin LEGO case for iPad mini, these are some new…

iPad mini Retina aka iPad Mini 2 Released Today

iPad mini Retina aka iPad Mini 2 Released Today

The new and improved Apple “iPad mini retina” or iPad Mini 2 was finally released today, Tuesday November 12, and is taking orders online. The release came 12 days after the November 1 release of the larger iPad Air, now the 5th generation iPad. All the various models are being released today, with color…

iPad Air & iPad mini 2 Unveiled – November 1 Release

iPad Air & iPad mini 2 Unveiled – November 1 Release

Apple have finished unveiling their two new iPad’s models right now, which is the new iPad Air (iPad 5) and iPad mini 2. iPad Air will be released on Friday November 1, while iPad mini 2 will be released November 12, with the lowest iPad price coming from Two of best tablets just got…