Microsoft Surface Pro LTE Advanced Up For Sale In Microsoft Store For Enterprise Customers – But Not For Consumers Before 2018

Microsoft Surface Pro LTE Advanced Up For Sale In Microsoft Store For Enterprise Customers – But Not For Consumers Before 2018

The cellular 4G version of the Surface Pro which goes by the full name of Microsoft Surface Pro LTE Advanced went up for sale right after Christmas, but so far only for enterprise customers: When Microsoft unveiled the new Surface Pro in May they said that the 4G LTE version would not launch before…

Cellular Tablet Activity Up 95% Year Over Year In The US

Cellular Tablet Activity Up 95% Year Over Year In The US

According to a press release from Connected Intelligence, it says that cellular tablet activity in the US have gone up 95% year over year. This is based on a survey of 5000 people. The survey also says that it estimates some 116 million tablet computers to be in use and that around 16 million of…