Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 Benchmarked With Android 7.0 Nougat discovered yesterday that the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 with the models SM-T810, SM-T815, SM-T817 had been tested on Gfxbench with Android 7.0 running under the Android Samsung Edition UI.

And while this can't be taken as a Complete guarantee that it was actually Samsung themselves who tested the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 with the Android 7.0 update, it fits with the timeframe by which it was benchmarked.

It was first leaked/rumored in the middle of November that the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Android 7.0 Nougat update was in development.

The only two tablets that have been officially updated to Android 7.0 to date, is the Nexus 9 and Pixel C from Google. Sony have officially announced that they are working on the Android 7.0 update for the Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet.

The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 SM-T810, SM-T815, and SM-T817 models were the first generation models, while the SM-T813 is the New Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 model with a faster processor, GPU, and better battery life. That tablet and the smaller 8-inch SM-T713 are also expected to receive the Android 7.0 update.

If you want a preview of what Android 7.0 can look like on a Tab S2, then you may like this image from Thabo Mboneni.

– Tom Bowen