How to Remove a Contact from WhatsApp Without Deleting from Your Phone

WhatsApp is a popular messaging app that uses your phone's contact list to create your contact list within the app. While this feature is convenient, there may be times when you want to remove a contact from WhatsApp without deleting them from your phonebook. Whether it's to avoid receiving unwanted messages or updates from certain individuals, or simply to maintain a level of privacy, there are ways to achieve this without permanently deleting the contact.

Method 1: Block the Contact on WhatsApp

One way to remove a contact from WhatsApp without deleting them from your phonebook is by blocking them on the app. When you block a contact on WhatsApp, they will no longer be able to see your profile, status updates, last seen info, or message and call you. However, they can still call and message you using other messaging and phone apps. This allows you to maintain communication with the contact if necessary, while avoiding unwanted updates or messages.

To block a contact on WhatsApp:

  1. Search for the name of the contact you want to block and open the chat window.
  2. Click on the three dots on the upper right of your screen and select “View Contact”.
  3. Scroll down and you will see the option to block the contact in red font. Click it and confirm.

Blocking someone on WhatsApp does not remove their number from your WhatsApp contacts. Their name will still appear in search results, but you will no longer receive messages, calls, or see their story updates. If the blocked contact tries to call you, they will hear the call ringing, but it will not reach you. They will see the message “Unavailable” instead of “Call not answered”. This is a convenient way to determine if you have been blocked by someone, and it also prevents the blocked contact from viewing your profile and account details.

Method 2: Save the Number as a Note

Another method to remove a contact from WhatsApp without deleting them from your phonebook is by saving the number as a note instead of in the number field. By doing this, WhatsApp will no longer associate the number with the contact, and you will not receive updates or messages from them. However, it is important to save the number under the correct name so you can still search for it in your contacts app when needed.

Please note that a previous method of transferring the contact to your SIM card no longer works due to a recent update in WhatsApp. While you could install an older version of the app to achieve this, it is not recommended as you will miss out on advanced features and security updates.

These methods allow you to remove a contact from WhatsApp without permanently deleting them from your phonebook. It gives you control over who you interact with on the app while maintaining your privacy and communication preferences. If you have any other methods or suggestions for removing a contact from WhatsApp, feel free to share them in the comments below.