All the Hidden Firestick Remote Shortcuts You Need to Know

The Fire TV Stick is not your ordinary streaming device. With the ability to install apps, play games, and even mirror your computer screen, it offers a lot more than meets the eye. But did you know that the Firestick remote also holds some hidden shortcuts? Let's dive in and discover them.

Adjust the Display Resolution

If you want to manually adjust the display resolution on your Firestick, it's as simple as pressing and holding the UP Navigation and REWIND buttons on your remote for ten seconds. This will cycle through all the available resolutions, and you can set your desired resolution by pressing the Select button.

Adjust the Display Resolution

Reset your Firestick Remote

Using multiple Firesticks can be a hassle when it comes to pairing the remote. Instead of going through the system menu to unpair and pair the remote with another device, you can easily hard reset it. Just press and hold the BACK, MENU, and LEFT Navigation buttons on the remote for 15 seconds. This will reset the remote, allowing you to pair it with another Firestick.

Reset your Firestick Remote

Reset your Firestick

In case you want to reset your Firestick, you can do so by pressing and holding the BACK and RIGHT Navigation buttons for ten seconds on your Firestick remote.

Reset your Firestick

Connect Remote to the Firestick

If your Firestick doesn't automatically detect the remote, you can manually connect it. Simply press and hold the SELECT button for ten seconds, and it should appear.

Connect Remote to the Firestick

Restart your Firestick

When your Firestick becomes unresponsive and you want to restart it without getting up, this shortcut will be your savior. Press and hold the SELECT and PLAY buttons for 10 seconds, and your Firestick will initiate a forced restart.

Restart your Firestick

Open the System Menu

One of the most useful shortcuts I accidentally discovered is long-pressing the HOME button on the remote. This opens the Quick Settings, where you can access options like Mirroring, Settings, or putting your Firestick to sleep. It's incredibly convenient.

Open the System Menu

These are just a few of the many hidden shortcuts that the Firestick remote has to offer. Navigating the user interface is great, but using these shortcuts can save you a lot of time. Which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below or reach out to me on Twitter.

Related: How to Sideload Apps on Firestick