8 Effective Solutions to Stop Your Android Phone Screen from Turning On Randomly

Is your Android phone constantly turning on its screen without any apparent reason? Not only can this be distracting, but it can also lead to unnecessary battery drain. There are various factors that can cause this issue, such as a faulty proximity sensor or a misbehaving app. If you're tired of dealing with this problem, here are eight solutions that can help prevent your Android phone's screen from turning on randomly.

1. Disable “Lift to Wake”

Many Android phones come with a feature called “Lift to wake,” which automatically turns on the display when you lift the phone or take it out of your pocket. However, this feature can sometimes cause the screen to turn on unexpectedly. To disable it:

  1. Open the Settings app and go to Advanced features.
  2. Select Motions and gestures and disable the Lift to wake toggle.

Disable Lift to Wake on Android

2. Turn Off “Double Tap to Wake”

The “Double tap to wake” gesture can also be a culprit behind your phone's screen lighting up for no reason. Accidental touches while holding your phone can trigger this feature. To disable it:

  1. Open the Settings app and navigate to Advanced features > Motions and gestures.
  2. Disable the Double tap to turn on screen toggle.

3. Clean the Proximity Sensor

The proximity sensor is responsible for turning off the screen when you hold the phone against your ear during calls. If this sensor is not working properly, it may falsely detect that the phone is close to your face, causing the screen to turn on and off randomly. Try cleaning the proximity sensor with a clean, soft cloth to see if that solves the problem.

Clean Phone With Dry Cloth

4. Remove the Phone Case

In some cases, a phone case that presses against the power button or interferes with the proximity sensor can cause the screen to turn on by itself. Temporarily remove the phone case and check if the issue persists.

5. Use a Different Charger

If your Android phone turns on the screen randomly while charging, it could be due to an incompatible charger or USB cable. To avoid such problems, use charging accessories certified by your phone's manufacturer. You can also try connecting your phone to a different power outlet to rule out any issues with the current outlet.

Charger and Cable for Android Phone

6. Turn Off Bixby Voice Wake-up

The Bixby voice wake-up feature on Samsung phones allows you to activate the digital assistant without pressing any buttons. However, Bixby may sometimes misinterpret sounds or phrases similar to “Hi, Bixby,” causing the screen to turn on and off repeatedly. Some users have reported resolving this issue by disabling the Bixby voice wake-up feature. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Samsung phone.
  2. Tap the search icon at the top, type in “Bixby settings,” and select the first result.
  3. Tap on Voice wake-up and disable it from the following menu.

7. Try Safe Mode

Boot your phone in Safe Mode to determine if a third-party app is causing the screen to turn on randomly. In Safe Mode, your phone runs without any third-party apps or games. If the screen doesn't turn on automatically in Safe Mode, it indicates that one of your installed apps is the culprit. Uninstall recently installed apps and check if the issue persists.

8. Install Software Updates

Sometimes, unexpected behavior like random screen activation can be caused by software bugs. Check for any pending software updates and install them. Android OEMs often release updates to fix such issues, so keeping your phone up to date can help resolve the problem.

No More Distractions

Dealing with a phone screen that turns on randomly can be frustrating. In most cases, it's either the screen gestures or a faulty case that causes such anomalies. By following the solutions mentioned above, you can put an end to this problem and enjoy a hassle-free experience with your Android phone. Moreover, if your phone screen doesn't turn off when you hold it up to your ear during a call, you can try the 7 easy ways to fix proximity sensor issues on Samsung Galaxy Phones.