Nokia Lumia 2520 Wins Worst Ad Of 2013 In UK
The Nokia Lumia 2520 tablet has been received pretty well because of its relatively low price (for a 4G tablet) and good specs, and sales have only been hampered by the unfavourable Windows 8.1 RT OS. Now, what to do?
Well, whereas almost every tablet advertisement video out there features sunshine and summer with happy people and peppy music, Nokia UK decided to go the other way with their latest Nokia Lumia 2520 tablet video, and thus created the most hated video ad of 2013.
Even the latest Asus Fonepad ad is better than what Nokia UK have just come out with.
And here is the typical tablet ad. This ad in particular is for the Asus MeMO Pad FHD 10.
– Tom Bowen
Jim's passion for Apple products ignited in 2007 when Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone. This was a canon event in his life. Noticing a lack of iPad-focused content that is easy to understand even for “tech-noob”, he decided to create Tabletmonkeys in 2011.
Jim continues to share his expertise and passion for tablets, helping his audience as much as he can with his motto “One Swipe at a Time!”