iPad Mini Cover Adds Inflatable Buttons To Screen

Back in 2013, a company called Tactus Technology had developed a screen layer with inflatable buttons that the company hoped would be implemented into tablets by the end of 2013.


That didn't happen, but with the technology already there, now two years later they have developed something similar, which is a case for the 7.9-inch iPad mini that offers the same tactile technology.

It's called Phorm, and can be bought for $104 after shipping.

Considering the price, it may explain why tablet manufacturers did not pick up on the idea, since the technology costs more than many tablets does these days. The Phorm case is also as large as a bumper case for tablets, so that could be an obstacle if it wants to achieve popularity as a case or cover as well.

Phorm case for iPad mini
Phorm case for iPad mini

– Tom Bowen