How to Make the Most of Instagram’s Map Feature

Instagram has recently updated its map feature, allowing users to search for popular places and view stories from around the world. If you're curious about how to access and use the Instagram map on your Android or iPhone, read on!

Accessing the Instagram Map

To access the Instagram map, open the app on your phone and tap the search icon at the bottom to navigate to the Explore page. From there, you can search for a specific location and tap “See all results” to view it on the map. Alternatively, you can tap on the location tag of an Instagram post to view that place on the map. Once the map opens, you can move around, zoom in and out, and tap on story icons to view stories from different locations.

Searching for Popular Places

One significant advantage of the Instagram map is its ability to help you find popular places in any neighborhood. To search for popular places, open the Explore page on Instagram and search for a location. Once the map is open, tap on “Search This Area” to see all the popular places in that area. You can scroll through the available filters or use the search tool to find a specific establishment.

Saving and Sharing Locations

If you come across a location you want to save or share, you have a few options. You can tap the paper airplane icon to share it with one of your Instagram contacts. You can also share the location as a QR code by tapping the kebab menu (three-dot menu icon) and selecting the QR code option. Additionally, you can save the location to revisit it in the future by tapping the Bookmark icon. To view all the locations you've saved, navigate to your Profile tab, tap the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines), and select Saved.

Appearing on the Instagram Map

If you want your posts and stories to appear on the Instagram map, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure your profile is set to public. Private profiles won't appear on the map. Second, include location data and relevant hashtags in your posts and stories. Adding a popular nearby location can increase your chances of appearing on the map. Lastly, if you have a business account, make sure to set the account category correctly. This will help your account appear when people search for businesses in that category.


  1. Why can't I see the Instagram map?
    Instagram is gradually releasing the map feature to all devices, so it might take some time before you get access to it.

  2. What map service does Instagram use?
    Instagram's map feature is powered by Apple Maps.

In Conclusion

Using the Instagram map is a fun way to explore and connect with your local scene. It's just one of the many new features Instagram has introduced recently. Give it a try and see what interesting places and stories you can discover!