Alldocube Publishes Tablet Self-Repair Video Covering Three Tablet Computers

Last month, we reported that Samsung will start self-repair for some tablets this summer, starting with the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+.

But some other tablet brands are already way ahead of Samsung.

The Chinese tablet brand Alldocube, who has Europe as their largest market, has taken it one step further by releasing a full video on how to do disassembly of the three Android tablets in the Alldocube iPlay40, 40H, and 40Pro family.

This is not the sort of video that the major brands have ever dared to publish, so I personally appreciate the folksy nature of this consumer video, even if it looks a little rough.

Also, just as a friendly reminder, if you ever decide to take a tablet computer apart or any other computer for that matter, you may want to think about getting an anti-static table mat or wrist strap for grounding with beforehand, to reduce the risk of creating new damages.

Most of the components can be ordered from online tech stores for years after the tablet went out of production, as long as you have the parts number. So the idea of self-repair is great in my view, as long as people take some safety precautions.

– Jim Miller