Samsung Self-Repair Coming To Tablets (And Smartphones) Summer 2022

Ever wanted to crack open your tablet computer with the blessing of the tablet manufacturer? Well Samsung thinks this sounds like such a good idea that coming this summer, Samsung will let tablet owners replace components on their tablet, starting with the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+.

The details aren't completely clear yet though. Samsung says that tablet owners and Galaxy S20 and S21 owners will be able to buy original parts, tools, and repair guides for replacing the display assemblies, back glass, and charging ports.

So no talks about replacing something like the battery for instance. Not only that, but Samsung says they are teaming up with iFixit for this self-repair service, so we'll have to wait and see for more details about what you can actually do yourself, and how cost effective it will be in the end.

Samsung already has repair networks for Samsung tablet and smartphones in several countries, like in the US and UK, where companies such as WeFix can travel to your home and repair your device for you from their repair van.

If you're wondering what the 12.4-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+ looks like on the inside and how much damage you can do easy it is to repair, here are two photos of the inside of it.

– Tom Bowen