About Those 2019 Walmart Onn Tablets

Someone asked me about the Walmart Onn tablets simply because the launch of the 2019 models have become news, solely because Bloomberg wrote that Walmart was launching these tablets this week and presented it as a scoop.

That's not really the case though. You could actually walk into a Walmart store in Texas 4 weeks ago and pick up one of these Walmart Onn tablets. Not that you would want to, but the option was there. And Walmart has had their own tablets for years, so this is not a first for Walmart. They update them every year.

But even Walmart has so little interest in these tablets that they only label them Onn Android Tablet 8, or 10″ without spending time trying to come up with more memorable names.

Ranging from $49 and up, these Walmart tablets are cheap, but not cheap enough for skeet shooting. So very few people buy them, and those people tend to buy them on a whim anyway.

And that's the reason why we don't cover tablets of that kind. There is zero interest in those tablets nationally or internationally.

Only when some of these types of tablets malfunction, like with the RCA tablet that inflated like a bag of microwave popcorn, do we find it useful to notify people about them.

– Jim Miller