Some Nvidia Shield Tablet Cracks In The Corners

Just 6 weeks after the hot new gaming tablet Nvidia Shield Tablet was launched, a few problems ranging from cracks in the exterior to firmware issues affecting the Wi-Fi performance have left many owners worried and frustrated.

Firmware issues is one thing and can usually be fixed with an update, but with the actual case of the Nvidia Shield Tablet starting to crack, Nvidia needs to do something, and I'm not talking about sending unlucky customers a tube of glue and tape either.

The cracking on several Nvidia Shield Tablets appears on the corners of the case, and the issue is discussed among owners on the Geforce forum, and in a topic on the subject of cracked edges in particular (see users images there).

Nvidia Shield Tablet Cracks
Nvidia Shield Tablet Cracks

Nvidia says that it is aware of the problem which has affected a small number of their tablets due to the composite material having weakness to it, but also that the problem is visual more than it will affect the actual tablet in itself.

The problem does not necessarily have to derive from overheating issues either, since some unfortunate customers claim that it came cracked out of the box already.

Bad news, and Nvidia needs to address this issue immediately, since this is a tablet that's making popular headlines around the world at the moment for it's otherwise fantastic performance and low price.

For a look at Nvidia's generic warranty disclaimer, see:

– Tom Bowen