How to Secure Your Facebook Account With Mobile in 4 Simple Steps

In today's digital age, sharing personal information on social media platforms like Facebook has become the norm. However, it is crucial to ensure that you are sharing only what you want to share and with the right people. In this article, we will guide you through four easy steps to secure your Facebook account using your mobile device.

Step 1: Secure Your Login With Password and 2-Factor Authentication

Start by accessing your Facebook Account Settings. Under the “Security and Login” section, you will find the option to choose friends who can help you regain access to your account if you ever forget your password. Select three to five trusted friends from your friend list for this purpose.

Next, review the list of devices that are currently logged into your Facebook account. If you notice any unfamiliar devices, log them out immediately to prevent unauthorized access.

Changing your password regularly is also essential for account security. Set a new password by entering your old password and then creating a new one. It is recommended to change your password every few months.

To add an extra layer of protection, enable two-factor authentication. This feature will require you to validate your login through the Facebook app whenever you log in using a browser. It adds an additional level of security to your account.

Step 2: Facebook Privacy and Timeline Settings

Privacy is crucial when it comes to sharing personal information on Facebook. Under the “Privacy” section in your Account Settings, you can control who sees what on your profile.

Start by reviewing the “Check a few important things” option. Here, you can choose who can see your news feed updates – friends, the public, or create a custom list. Additionally, you can select who can see your personal information like email, mobile number, and date of birth.

Review the list of websites and apps where you have logged in using your Facebook account. Delete any unnecessary ones to minimize potential privacy risks.

Step 3: Facebook Activity Settings

Under the “Your Activity” option in Facebook Privacy Settings, you can decide who sees your future and past posts. Set the default option for future posts to be visible to friends only. This ensures that your updates are shared with the right audience.

You can also limit who can see your past posts and control who can see the people, pages, and lists you follow. Adjust these settings based on your comfort level.

Step 4: Timeline and Tagging

In the “Timeline and Tagging” section of your Account Settings, you can manage who can post on your timeline and who can see those posts. Set the option to “Friends” to ensure only your friends can post on your timeline.

When it comes to tagging, you can control who sees posts you are tagged in and determine the audience for tags suggested by Facebook's AI. Adjust these settings according to your preferences.

By following these four simple steps, you can significantly enhance the security and privacy of your Facebook account. Remember to regularly review and update your settings to stay protected in this digital age.

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