How to Refresh on Mac?

How to Refresh on Mac

This guide shows you how to refresh web pages in all main browsers like Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge on a Mac.

How to Refresh on a Mac?

On Windows, pressing F5 refreshes a web page, website, or browser. However, this doesn't work the same on a Mac.

On a Mac, you should use Command+R (or cmd+r) to refresh. This works for most browsers on Mac.

At times, a normal refresh might not correct issues with a web page or might show old data. In these instances, a hard refresh is recommended.

A hard refresh makes the browser delete its saved version of a web page (known as the cache) and get the newest version from the website.

To do a hard refresh, change the usual Command+R keys. The specific keys vary by browser:

  • For Safari and Opera: Hit Command+Option+R.  
  • For Chrome, Firefox, and Edge: Hit Shift+Command+R.

Alternatively, you can hold the Shift key and click the refresh icon in your browser.

Where Can I Find the Refresh Button on a Mac?

Besides using the cmd+r shortcut, you can find a refresh button on the toolbar of most Mac browsers.

Here is the location of the refresh button in some Mac browsers:


Next to the address bar:

Google Chrome

Left side of the address bar:


Left side of the address bar and home icon:

Microsoft Edge

The left side of the address bar:

What Does the F5 Key Do on a Mac?

On a Mac, the F5 key usually lowers the brightness of your keyboard if it has backlighting. This is often seen on MacBook Air and MacBook Pro models that support this feature. If not, the key has no function.

How to Refresh Your Mac Desktop?

You can refresh many Mac applications, including the Mac App Store, by using the Command+R shortcut. However, the Finder, which manages files on Mac, does not have a refresh button. This means you cannot refresh Finder with a keyboard shortcut, which might be frustrating when new files do not show up in a folder.

There is a solution, though. In the Finder app, click the Back button (<-) and then the Forward button (->) at the top left corner to refresh a folder's contents. If this method fails, pressing Command+Option+Escape can force the app to quit and restart.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I update my email inbox on a Mac?

Refreshing your email inbox depends on the email client you use. If you use Apple Mail, click the Send/Receive button, shaped like a letter, to look for new emails and update your inbox. Alternatively, click on the Mailbox tab and choose Get New Mail.

You can also use a shortcut: press Shift + Command + N to refresh your inbox. If you use Gmail, click the Refresh button just below the Search Mail bar.

How can I update iMessage on a Mac?

To update iMessage on your Mac if it's not syncing, first turn off iMessage on both your iPhone and Mac. On your iPhone, navigate to Settings > Messages and switch off iMessage. On your Mac, open Messages, go to Preferences, select your account, and sign out.

Then, sign back in on both devices to see if it fixes the issue. Another step to try: On your iPhone, go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive and ensure the right phone number or email is checked.

How can I update iPhoto on a Mac?

To refresh iPhoto, restart your Mac. Or, close iPhoto, open Spotlight Search, type Activity Monitor, and launch it. Search for the word photo, find an iCloud Photos process, and click the X at the top to end it. When you reopen iPhoto, the app should update the photostream.