How to Play Retro Games on Steam Using Steam ROM Manager?

Steam ROM Manager allows you to import your favorite retro video games into the Steam platform. This lets you easily access and play classic games alongside your regular Steam library.

In this guide, we will walk through how to set up Steam, RetroArch, and Steam ROM Manager to import and run retro games seamlessly through Steam.

Download and Install Steam, RetroArch, and Steam ROM Manager

Download and Install Steam, RetroArch, and Steam ROM Manager
Download and Install Steam, RetroArch, and Steam ROM Manager

First, download and install the following three programs:

  1. Steam – The gaming platform to access your library
  2. RetroArch – Runs the emulators and ROM files
  3. Steam ROM Manager – Imports ROMs into Steam

You can find the download links in the intro section. Install each program before moving to the next steps.

Configure RetroArch and Required Emulators

Once installed, open RetroArch and download the appropriate emulator cores for the game systems you want to add. Cores allow RetroArch to run games from that console.

For example, install the FCEUmm core for NES games. Test launching a game ROM in RetroArch to ensure the emulator works correctly before moving forward.

Enable Start in Fullscreen in the RetroArch video settings for a smooth experience when launching through Steam later.

Import ROMs into Steam With Steam ROM Manager

In Steam ROM Manager, create a new parser configuration.

Choose the emulator type or core, enter your emulator location and ROM folders, and select where Steam is installed.

Test the configuration by generating the app list for your ROMs. Verify it works, then save the app list to import your games into Steam.

Launch Retro Games From Steam

Launch Retro Games From Steam
Launch Retro Games From Steam

Close and re-open Steam. Your ROM library should now appear alongside your other Steam games.

You can launch titles directly through Steam just like any game in your library.

Use Steam Link on mobile devices or smart TVs to easily stream your favorite retro titles from your gaming PC to other screens in your home over WiFi.

Steam ROM Manager brings all your games old and new together in one place. Follow this guide to easily import and launch your favorite retro titles within Steam.