How to Make the Most of ProBot on Discord
ProBot is a versatile Discord bot that offers a range of features, including auto-moderation, auto-responses, and more. While other bots like MEE6 are popular for server management, ProBot offers a higher degree of customization and automation. In this article, we will guide you on how to set up and use ProBot effectively on your Discord servers.
Setting Up ProBot on Discord
To set up ProBot on your Discord server, follow these simple steps:
- Open the ProBot website and click on the “Add to Discord” option.
- Log in to the service with your Discord account in the pop-up window.
- Select the server you want to add ProBot to and click “Continue.”
- Click “Authorize” to close the pop-up window.
- You will be redirected to the ProBot dashboard, where you can set up and manage the bot on your server.
Using ProBot on Discord
ProBot offers various functionalities that can enhance your Discord server experience. Here's how you can make the most of ProBot:
1. Welcome and Goodbye Messages
ProBot allows you to send automated welcome and goodbye messages when someone joins or leaves your server. To set it up:
- In the ProBot dashboard, select your server and click on the “Welcome & Goodbye Messages” option.
- Enable the toggle beside “Send a message when a user joins the server” to send an automated welcome message.
- Customize the message using variables like [user], [server], [memberCount], etc.
- Choose whether to send the message as a DM or in a channel.
- Click “Save Changes” to start sending welcome messages to new entrants.
You can also send welcome images by enabling the toggle beside “Send an image when a user joins the server.” Customize the background, username, avatar, and text to create a personalized welcome image.
2. Auto Responding to Messages
ProBot allows you to set up automatic responses to messages. You can define trigger words, and when ProBot detects them, it will automatically respond with a preset message. Here's how to set it up:
- Click on the “Auto Responder” option in the ProBot dashboard.
- Enable the toggle and click “Add Responder” to add a response.
- Set the trigger word and add a response.
- You can use variables like [user], [userName], etc. in the response.
- You can add multiple responses to avoid sounding monotonous.
- Enable or disable roles and channels as per your preference.
- Click “Save Changes” to apply the settings.
3. Leveling System on the Server
ProBot offers an automated leveling system that increases users' levels based on their server activity. To set it up:
- Open the ProBot dashboard and click on the “Leveling System” option.
- Enable the toggle to start the leveling functionality.
- Customize the system by adding roles to “No XP roles” and “No XP Channels.”
- Set up a text channel for level-up notifications.
- Users can type commands like “/top” and “/rank” to check rankings and their own rank.
4. Moderation Controls
ProBot provides both manual and auto-moderation controls. You can set up manual moderation by adding moderator roles and using commands like “/ban,” “/unban,” “/kick,” etc. ProBot also offers an automod feature to detect spam, invites, bad words, and links. Here's how to set it up:
- Open the “Moderation” option in the ProBot dashboard to set up manual moderation.
- Enable moderation and add the moderator roles.
- Use commands to manage moderation actions.
For automod, click on the “Automod” option and select the triggers and actions you want ProBot to perform.
5. Reaction Roles Option on the Server
ProBot allows users to self-assign roles on your Discord server through reaction roles. This feature saves moderators' time and lets users choose their roles. Here's how to set it up:
- On the ProBot website, click on the “Embedded Messages” option.
- Create an embedded message with field titles, content, and images explaining the available roles.
- Send the message to a channel as an embedded message.
- In the ProBot dashboard, click on the “Reaction Roles” option and add the message you created.
- Assign emojis to roles, and when users click on the emojis, they will be automatically assigned.
6. Playing Music on the Voice Channels
ProBot also supports playing music in Discord voice channels. Users can join a voice channel and use commands like “/play,” “/stop,” “/skip,” etc., to control the music playback. You can customize the DJ roles to limit music control permissions.
With ProBot's premium plan, you gain access to additional features such as volume control, temp links, anti-raid measures, and more.
In conclusion, ProBot offers a range of features to enhance your Discord server. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up and use ProBot effectively, automate tasks, and provide a better experience for your server members.

Jim's passion for Apple products ignited in 2007 when Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone. This was a canon event in his life. Noticing a lack of iPad-focused content that is easy to understand even for “tech-noob”, he decided to create Tabletmonkeys in 2011.
Jim continues to share his expertise and passion for tablets, helping his audience as much as he can with his motto “One Swipe at a Time!”