How to Add Stickers on Windows 11

Windows 11 continues to add new features, and one of the latest additions is the ability to add stickers to your desktop. While this feature is not yet available to everyone, Windows Insiders Program users with build 22H2 can already enjoy it. In this article, we will guide you on how to enable and add stickers to your Windows 11 desktop.

Before You Begin

To access the desktop stickers feature, you need to join the Windows Insider Program. Don't worry, it's free and easy to do. Joining the program will give you access to the latest preview build of Windows 11, including the stickers feature. If you're interested, you can find a detailed guide on how to join the Windows Insider Program here.

Enable Stickers Feature From Registry Editor

By default, the stickers feature is disabled. However, you can enable it through the Registry Editor. Please note that the Registry Editor is an advanced program, so proceed with caution and follow our guide to avoid any mishaps.

  1. Press Windows+S to open Search and type registry editor. Open it by clicking on Run as administrator.
  2. Navigate to the following folder: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftPolicyManagercurrentdevice. You can also copy-paste the folder address at the top of the Registry Editor window.
  3. Right-click on the Device folder and select New > Key.
  4. Name the new key Stickers. Double-click on it to open it in the right window-pane. Ignore the automatically created Default file.
  5. In the right window-pane, right-click anywhere and select New > DWORD (32-Bit) Value. Name the file EnableStickers.
  6. Double-click on the EnableStickers file and change the Value data from 0 to 1. Click OK to save the changes. You can now close the Registry Editor window.

Please note that you don't need to reboot your computer, but if the feature is not working, try rebooting once.

Add, Remove, or Edit Stickers on Windows 11

There are two ways to add stickers to your Windows 11 desktop. Let's start with the fastest method:

  1. Press Windows+M to minimize all open windows and go to the desktop. Right-click anywhere on the desktop and select Add or edit stickers.
  2. A pop-up window will appear with a search bar and a wide selection of stickers. Feel free to browse and choose the stickers you like. Double-click on a sticker to add it to your desktop.
  3. Once a sticker is added, you can resize and move it around. Close the Stickers window to save the changes. Please note that you cannot edit the sticker in desktop mode. You must open the Stickers panel to add, remove, edit, or delete stickers on your Windows desktop.

Alternatively, you can also add stickers through Settings. Simply go to Settings (Windows+I) > Personalization > Background > Add stickers.


1. How do you delete stickers?

To delete stickers, open the Stickers panel and select the sticker you want to delete. Then, either click on the delete icon or press the Delete key on your keyboard.

2. Can you add your own stickers?

Currently, adding custom stickers is not yet supported. However, we hope this feature will be available in the future.

3. What happens to stickers when you change the wallpaper?

Stickers are independent of the wallpaper and act as an overlay. Changing the wallpaper will not remove or edit the stickers in any way.

Stick It Up

Stickers are a welcome addition to Windows 11, allowing you to get creative and personalize your desktop. You can use stickers to tell a story or add a touch of fun to your workspace. We look forward to future updates that may bring more features like emojis and the ability to add your own stickers. In the meantime, have fun exploring the stickers available and let your creativity shine!