How to Add and Edit Text in Canva

Canva has become a go-to designing tool for many, offering a wide range of features to create eye-catching designs. Whether you want to create stunning Instagram posts or captivating GIFs, Canva has got you covered. One essential element of design is text, and in this article, we will show you how to add and edit text in Canva to make your designs more descriptive and attractive.

Getting Started

To begin, open your preferred web browser on your PC and go to Canva's website. Once there, you can either open an existing design or create a new one by clicking on the “Create a design” button.

Canva Homepage

Adding Text Box in Canva

To add a text box in Canva, click on the “Text” tab in the side panel. From there, you can choose from the available heading types to add a text box to your design. Alternatively, you can explore various Font Combinations in Canva and use them directly.

Add a Text Box to Design

After adding the text box, you can edit the text inside it. You can also resize and move the text box as needed.

Format Text in Canva

Canva offers several formatting options to customize your text. You can change the font type, color, size, alignment, and even create lists. Simply select the text box and use the toolbar to make the desired changes.

Edit Text in Canva

Curve Text in Canva

In addition to basic formatting options, Canva allows you to curve your text. To do this, select your text box and click on the “Effects” option at the top. In the Effects panel, go to “Shape” and choose the “Curve” option. You can adjust the curvature using the slider.

Curve Text in Canva

Animate Text in Canva

If you're adding a text box to a GIF or video, you can use various text animations in Canva to make your design more appealing. Simply select the text box and click on the “Animate” option in the toolbar. From there, you can choose different text animations to apply to your text.

Animate Text in Canva

Highlight Text in Canva

To highlight a text box in Canva, you can use various elements. Click on the “Elements” tab and explore the “Lines & Shapes” section. Choose a shape and resize and move it behind your text. You can also change the color of the element to enhance the highlighting effect.

Elements in Canva

Add Custom Background to Text

Another way to highlight text in Canva is by using an image or your company logo. Click on the “Photos” tab to browse Canva's library of photos or upload your own. Add the photo to your design, resize and move it behind your text.


  • Why won't Canva let me move the text box?
    Canva allows you to lock elements and text boxes in your design to prevent accidental changes. If you can't move a text box, select it and click on the lock icon in the toolbar to unlock it.

  • Can I add fonts to Canva?
    If you have a Canva Pro account, you can upload up to 100 fonts to your account.

With Canva's text editing capabilities, you can create stunning designs without the need for a Canva Pro membership. So go ahead and unleash your creativity using Canva's user-friendly features.

Also Read: How to Make Background Transparent In Canva