Why Ipad Players Go To Dungeons In Destiny 2 And What Newbies Need To Know Before Going
Dungeons and raids are a very important part of any MMO RPG and Destiny 2 is no exception – players will be able to penetrate into the dangerous zone and shoot guards in order to solve problems and get to the main boss, killing who will take time and require a detailed analysis of the situation and the enemy’s combat mechanics, otherwise, You can easily complete the Destiny 2 Dungeon assault with failure.
Players go to raids for unique types of weapons and armor that will increase your power level, and experience is also awarded, but not in such large quantities as to make raids the main mechanic for leveling up, especially considering that the average dungeon assault takes up to 40 minutes.
According to the main plot, aliens attack the world and inflict severe defeats on people, pushing them back to the main city, which was built and guarded by the Titans.
Through great efforts of all classes that go through a series of quests, the attack was repulsed, and a counter-offensive began, but it is necessary not only to destroy the enemy army but also to destroy their leaders – small and large bosses, which players will meet as part of strikes and raids, and this will be drastic influence the overall plot and gradual transitions from defense to attack and full exploration of space and new planets as part of the Lightfall and other updates that will open access to Mercury, the Moon and Neptune.
Storming raids in Destiny 2, like strikes, is simply interesting, because each zone and location is unique and not repeated, and each chapter of the dungeon has its own unique battle mechanics, where you need to knock down the boss’s armor, activate pedestals and zones, attack enemy allies to open access to the boss and other features that are always interesting to unravel when preparing for the assault and the clearing stage itself.
Weapons and armor
The first and main goal of raids and strikes is the drop, which is expressed in the form of weapons and armor, which can greatly influence the combat potential of your agent.
Rewards have different ranks, and the higher the difficulty, the more valuable trophies you can receive or earn.
These can be force, kinetic or energy weapons of quality ranging from normal to legendary, and a similar format extends to armor.
Of course, the more valuable your equipment, the better for PVP and future raids in D2, so try to progress as quickly as possible, but since high-level raids and strikes require a power level of 270 or more, then strive to accumulate this value so that your hero always progresses.
Power level
Weapon strength is an important parameter that simultaneously accelerates the combat potential of your character, and your future drop depends on your current level of strength.
The game system will take into account your current power level and select future drops based on it, adding up to +30 to the power level from your most valuable item, so if you want to further enhance your gaming potential, then put on the best weapons and equipment, even if it is not the most effective in terms of characteristics, in the future, you will be able to use it to select more suitable equipment.
The strike system is a system of simple dungeons that will help you better study the game plot, you can simply get weapons and mid-level equipment, train for more complex raids and have constant access to the raid, which you can go through with three of you with friends and constantly progress and increase the overall level strength.
Strikes differ in their general location, tasks and puzzles inside, but in general, these are quite simple tasks that are completed linearly; that is, you will run along the corridors until you destroy the monsters and mini-bosses and open access to the chapter of the dungeon.
Killing the boss will not be a difficult task; the main thing is to constantly keep your distance and, just in case, have at least one kinetic weapon with you, which, if something happens, will help you knock down the boss’s protective shield and then your strike will be completed quickly enough and without any problems.
Raids are a more complex and responsible format that must be approached carefully because the overall success of the entire campaign will depend on the actions of literally every player.
Typically, raids require five players just to enter the dungeon and equipment and weapons of a certain level that must be met in order to simply get there, otherwise, the system will simply not allow a player with an inappropriate level of power, or equipment, into the dungeon.
You will also encounter bosses, but now the dungeons will have many cooperative mechanics like special platforms, or points that need to be activated together to weaken the boss and his guard or cancel the effect of certain skills that can be deadly.
Sometimes, players will even have to leave one character and completely remove him from the battle so that he can control one of the objects, which will be very important for the raid carry in Destiny 2.
Increasing difficulty
Difficulty levels are constant changes to all tasks that are unlocked for completing raids and strikes of the previous level.
The higher the difficulty, the more effort you need to make to win, and at the same time, the basic requirements for entry will also increase – they will be expressed in the level of equipment power and the number of participants, but the reward will be much higher.
Strikes can be normal or nightmare, and bring equipment with a power level of up to level 270.
Raids can be Normal, Heroic, or Legendary and net Mythic and Legendary gear and weapons up to power level 300, but some zones will require at least 15 players to enter and have a good chance of a successful assault.
The raid system in D2 has a close connection with the storyline because it is there that you will meet the commanders of the attack on your home planet, where you will stay with the main army as part of quests, but you will have to study the role of the leaders with the help of strikes and raids.
Each dungeon will be a new and interesting challenge with its own goals, features, decorations and rewards.
It is in raids and strikes that weapons and armor of a high and unique level of quality are obtained.
Each piece of equipment has its own power level, and the higher this parameter you have, the more valuable reward you can receive with up to +30 power level from your most valuable item.
A strike is a mini-raid for three players with easy but not quick objectives, while a raid is a full-fledged assault by a large group of 5 to 15 players with more complex objectives and frequent requirements for paired actions and control of certain zones in which you need to prevent the boss must act, otherwise, everything will end in failure.
All of them will increase in difficulty as you complete previous dungeons, allowing you to claim more valuable rewards for successfully killing bosses.

Jim’s passion for Apple products ignited in 2007 when Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone. This was a canon event in his life. Noticing a lack of iPad-focused content that is easy to understand even for “tech-noob”, he decided to create Tabletmonkeys in 2011.
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