10 Windows 11 Start Menu Tips and Tricks

With the release of Windows 11, Microsoft has introduced a new and improved Start menu. The default position and live tiles have been replaced, giving the Start menu a fresh and modern look. In this article, we will explore ten tips and tricks to help you master the new Start menu in Windows 11.

Access All Apps from Start Menu

Instead of scrolling through your installed apps, you can now easily access them from the Start menu. By simply hitting the Windows key and opening the Start menu, you can find all your apps in the “All apps” section at the upper right corner. You can also use the search bar to quickly find a specific app.

Pin Apps in Windows 11 Start Menu

To quickly access your favorite apps and games, you can pin them to the top of the Start menu. Simply right-click on the app in the “All apps” section and select “Pin to Start”. This will make the app appear at the top of the Start menu for easy access.

Rearrange Pinned Apps

You can easily rearrange the apps in the pinned apps section by using the drag and drop functionality. Simply click on an app icon and drag it to your preferred position.

Use Start Menu Recommendations

One of the standout features of the Windows 11 Start menu is the recommendations section. Microsoft has replaced the Windows 10 Timeline menu with useful recommendations. These recommendations are integrated with Microsoft services such as OneNote, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Edge browser. For example, if you have a Word document open on another device, Windows 11 will recommend opening the same document from the Start menu.

Convert Currency in Start Menu

The Windows 11 Start menu includes a currency converter powered by Bing. You can simply type a currency conversion query in the search bar, such as “Convert $100 to Euro”, and Bing will display relevant results with past history.

Use Bing Translate

Another useful function integrated into the Windows 11 Start menu is Bing Translate. By typing a query like “Translate ‘beautiful' to Spanish”, Bing will translate words and phrases for you. This eliminates the need to open a browser for translation purposes.

Check Stock Market Price

If you want to quickly check the current stock market price of a company, you can do so directly from the Windows 11 Start menu. Just type the company name followed by “share price” in the search bar, and Bing will display the current price along with a one-year history.

Change Start Menu Position from Center to Left

If you prefer the classic left corner position for the Start menu, you can change the Taskbar alignment in the Settings menu. Simply open the Settings app, navigate to “Personalization > Taskbar behaviors”, and select “Left” instead of “Center”. This will move the Taskbar and Start menu to the left corner.

Add Folders Next to Power Button in Start Menu

To quickly access frequently-used folders, you can add shortcuts next to the Power button in the Start menu. In the Settings app, go to “Personalization > Start > Folders” and enable the toggle for the desired folders. These folders will then appear in the Start menu next to the Power button.

Personalize Start Menu Experience

If you don't like the aggressive apps and documents suggestions in the Start menu, you can personalize it according to your preferences. In the Settings app, go to “Personalization > Start” and disable the toggle for the suggestions you don't need.

In conclusion, the new Start menu in Windows 11 offers a range of features and customization options. With these tips and tricks, you can make the most out of the Start menu and enhance your Windows 11 experience.